Snapshots: Las Plassas, South Sardinia, Italy

Las Plassas, South Sardinia, Italy

We drove two hundred and thirty curvaceous kilometers to the tiny town of Las Plassas for their annual bean festival. We climbed the adjacent mountain for a bird’s eye view of this spectacular town, which has a population of around two hundred and twenty-three gracious and humble citizens.

Later, we walked the cobblestone streets and sampled the regional fare. We drank, shopped local: EVOO, wine, jewelry, honey and of course beans. We learned about ancient traditions and song and we laughed alongside locals as they recounted stories from yesteryears.

I’m looking forward to getting back to this area of the island. The views, the valleys, the wonderful people, and the surrounding mountains make this tiny town worth the drive. This was one of the best little discoveries I’ve found on the island.

Have you been?

Snapshots: Under The Corbezzolo Tree

Where delicate, bell-shaped flowers dangle effortlessly.” – J. Avventura

Snapshots: Reminiscing about Cagliari, Sardinia

It was a whirlwind twenty-four hours at Cagliari this past fall, and I still can’t get this Mediterranean island city out of my mind. She’s jam-packed with events, spectacular beaches, wineries and local events that could keep me busy for a lifetime. I met a dear friend for an afternoon coffee and he showed me around this magnificent city by the sea.

He graciously pointed out areas of the city that had witnessed war, and buildings that still today suffer from the age-old conflict. I shall never forget those splendid hours in this city and my heart is calling to her. I will return, I shall return. Thank you, Cagliari for being the island city that this city-girl needs every once in a while.

Answering Your Questions on Sardinia, Italy by Jennifer Avventura

Last week, I asked a question on My Sardinian Life’s Facebook Page about what you would like to see more of on my blog, and a few of you answered with topics I haven’t yet covered here. So, here goes a random post on tips, things to see and do and how to stay away from the crowds. Continue reading

Inside Sardinia: Cortes Apertas at Onanì

Cortes Apertas is an open house, held yearly in several towns and cities in the deep, vast tremendous centre of SardiniaBarbagia. It is a colourful festival run by the locals of each town; they open their doors to the wonders of their beautiful, simple life, far away from wi-fi and reality tv. They show you how to make long pasta and pasta with your thumb and they ask if you’d like to take part, to try the ancient traditions that have been hidden away and kept secret for so many decades, all the while filling your cup with homemade wine, liqueur, and beer.  Continue reading

24 hours at Sardinia’s Capital City – Cagliari

A three-hour train ride from Sassari got me to the island’s capital of Cagliari; a city that I still struggle to pronounce. I pronounce it like the city in Canada, Calgary, with a soft g. It does look like this cag-li-ari, to the English mind, but alas that is not the case. The locals here pronounce it like cal-ra-re, where’s the g sound in that? So, after much pronunciation homework, I set off to explore this city by the sea to discover rooftop panoramas, hidden alleyways, and an immensely wide, soft sand beach with a sea so limpid a pebble would send it shivering.

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A Coastal Walk at Porto Faro, Sardinia, Italy

When time permits, and when the weather is just right (like a strong mistral blowing through) I like to take long coastal walks to discover hidden coves, islets and even old lighthouses like at Porto Faro, Palau, Sardinia, Italy. This coastal walk is unlike any I’ve ever done, with its craggy coastline and many, many hidden and delicious beaches to be discovered. Continue reading

A place like no other – Palau, Sardinia, Italy

Palau, Sardinia is truly a place like no other. It sits at the northern tip of the island and hosts 25km of contrasting coastlines and 21 turquoise beaches to dip your toes into. There are even several Blue Flag beaches which Palau is extremely proud of:

  • La Sciumara, Palau
  • Foce Fiume Liscia, Palau
  • Palau Vecchio, Palau

It’s a stunning windswept area full of natural rock formations, a marina, and unbelievable delicious local restaurants.

I’ve simply fallen in love, all over again. Sardinia’s unspoiled raw natural beauty keeps me in awe and wanting more. Continue reading

Snapshots: Reflections of Summer in Sardinia

It seems that winter has eluded us, at least for the last four days it has, where we’ve had temperatures upwards of 19 degrees Celsius and we’re still in the month of February. After a harsh, wet, gray and snowy winter it is invigorating to see the bright blue skies and the warm, luminous sun that casts its brilliant rays on my pale Canadian skin. These are my reflections of summer in Sardinia and it’s times like these that I dream of Continue reading

Snapshots: The Bell Tower at Castelsardo, Sardinia

The bell tower at Castelsardo in Sardinia’s northwest is one of the most photographed monuments from this pre-Nuragic, quaint town by the sea. From every angle, far and wide, the cathedral’s bell tower looms in the background of every photo.


Grand and spectacular from every point; the bell tower at Castelsardo should be on everyone’s “to see” list. There’s a lot to do and see in my favourite Sardinian town, from ancient castles to cathedrals, sea-side sights and some of the best restaurants around where Cannonau is poured freely and the seadas comes just right.


Will you put Castelsardo on your bucket list?