Frozen Open Surf Contest – La Marinedda, Sardinia, Italy

Every August La Marinedda hosts élite surfers from around the world at the Frozen Open Surf Contest. Below are photos from the 2011 Frozen Open.

How do you spell relief? I spell it: M-I-S-T-R-A-L, or in Italian Maestrale. The mistral is a strong, cold wind originating in France and blowing all its strength eastwards to Sardegna. And what a relief it was a day ago when this beauty roared it’s force to the north of the island.

The mistral brings with it clear and refreshing weather and can reach speeds of more than 90km an hour. Not only does it bring relief to those melting from the hot August heat wave, it also brings surfers.

The Frozen Open Surf Contest is sponsored by Monster Energy.

Cleaner, crisper air. Huge waves crashing at La Marinedda Bay made this Frozen Open Contest one to enjoy and one to relax in the cooling August air.

Perfect cool days beach side, hot surfers surfing Sardegna’s North Shore, shiny happy people eating ice cream and drinking beer make for one perfect Sunday.

Let’s just hope this mistral lasts another few days, then winter hits us like a ton of bricks. I’ve had enough of the hot African August and am ready for jeans.


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