Aboot Me

I’m a writer, runner and asparagus hunter living the small mountain life in Sardinia, Italy.

Other credentials include:

  • 25+ years in hospitality and tourism
  • Certified EFL teacher
  • Licensed Private Investigator & Security

I have endlessly traveled the world and have learned through trial and error that the road to happiness is that of a slow life.

My Sardinian Life is an effort to show the world the natural beauty of the place I call home: Sardinia, Italy. I have lived in Sardinia since May 2008 and with this blog I will re-create local traditions, popular folklore festivals and delve into the ancient mysteries surrounding this extra-ordinary island in the Mediterranean.

Sardinia is yours to discover. On your own two feet, and on your own time.

Since the beginning of my time all I wanted to do was write. Since I could pick up a pencil and form characters on page I became a poet. From the moment I stepped out of my mother’s house at eighteen to travel the world solo, I became a travel writer.

What other bloggers are saying:

Fare i turisti a Oristano – Storia di una blogger
Bagni di Lucca – Meet Jennifer from Sardinia
Un sardo in giro – La mia vita sarda: una canadese in Sardegna!


The Thought Palette – Sharing a Sardinian Life with you
La Nuova Sardegna – “My Sardinian Life”, una blogger canadese svela i segreti dell’isola
Blog Expat – From Ontario to Sardinia: My Sardinian Life
Sardinia feels like an ancient forgotten land – The Local – Italy’s News in English

My articles on the web:

The Sardinia Blog – The Heart of the Mediterranean – Top ten reasons to visit Sardinia
The PlanetD – Canada’s Adventure Couple – How Virtual Tourist Opened My Eyes to Inspiration
LivingBetterat50+ – Top 10 Sights in Northern Sardinia
LivingBetterat50+ – How to Arrive in Sunny Sardinia, Italy
The Blissful Adventurer – Notes from 1997 | Toronto to Sydney
An Italophile – What do I love about living in Italy – Expat Feature #3 
The Expat Hub – Living the expat life


Sardinian Local Expert Award
The Versatile Blogger Award
The Liebster Blog Award
The Sunshine Award
7×7 Blog Award
Awesome Blog Content Award
Kreativ Blogger Award
The Reader Appreciation Award by Jennifer Avventura
Inspiring Blog Award
The Lovely Blog Award
The Illuminating Blog Award
Super Sweet Blogger Award
The Reality & 100% Affidibale Blog Awards

CategoryTravel Italy

I have lived in the following countries for extended periods of time. Searching for advice on these destinations? Contact me: mysardinianlife@gmail.com

  1. Canada
  2. Australia
  3. England
  4. Cayman Islands
  5. Sardinia, Italy

After all these years I’m putting words to virtual paper and I am doing what I’ve always dreamed.

This blog is dedicated to my past, present and future travels; in hopes to educate young souls who have no fear and go it on their own.

Join now!

Subscribe to My Sardinian Life by clicking the SUBSCRIBE button in the top right hand side of this page or follow My Sardinian Life on Facebook, or Instagram

If you’ve gotten this far, GRAZIE.

Wishing you a splendid day.

139 thoughts on “Aboot Me

  1. Hi from a fellow translator and expat (English) living on Lago Maggiore (I have a Canadian friend here too, who has an agriturismo. Small world :-))
    I came across your blog while searching for DIY bamboo ladders – someone just gave me a load of bamboo canes.
    By the way, I liked your pun “have learned through trail and error…” (you’re a translator so it couldn’t be a typo!!)
    All the best,

  2. Hi from a fellow translator and expat (English) living on Lago Maggiore (I have a Canadian friend here too, who has an agriturismo. Small world :-))
    I came across your blog while searching for DIY bamboo ladders – someone just gave me a load of bamboo canes.
    By the way, I liked your pun “have learned through trail and error…” (you’re a translator so it couldn’t be a typo!!)
    All the best,

  3. My husband is Sardinian (from the town of Bosa) and he was just cooking pasta and asked if he should add carrots to the tomato sauce. I googled “carrots in tomato sauce” and your recipe came up! I starting browsing your blog and I love it! Sardinia is a wonderful island and I enjoy it every time I visit. We currently live in the USA but have hopes of moving back to Sardinia in the (near) future. I will be subscribing to your blog 🙂 Thanks!

    • Hello, and thank you kindly for leaving a comment telling me how your found me. That’s too funny, and a great coincidence that your hubby is Sardinian. I haven’t been to Bosa as of yet, but am planning on making a little trip there come spring. Do you get back to Sardinia often? Next time you’re here drop me a line and maybe we can meet for coffee, or cannonau. 🙂 All the best and thanks for following along.

  4. I dated a Sardo but never made it, but I’ve been fascinated ever since. Looking forward to reading your adventures…

  5. I am not sure yet. One of my friends I met in Switzerland once is from there and told me so much about it. Haven’t looked further into it yet, but I’ll do that soon!

  6. Great to come across your blog and can completely relate with your desire to write, travel, and be free. I too have have lived across the globe in New Zealand, Australia, Brasil, USA, England, Indonesia, Turkey and Canada. I look forward to following your exploits. Tim

  7. Thanks for a great blog, Jennifer! I have an interview for a job in Sardinia and came across this, thanks for the insight!

  8. Hi Jennifer,

    Great to look thorough your blog – what amazing experiences and bacckground you have 😉

    How long are you planning tro stay in Sardinia?


    • Ciao Jade,

      Thanks for checking out so many of my posts and liking them! 🙂

      I’ve been living in Sardinia since May 2008. I married a Sardinian and now call this great island home. Not sure when I’ll return to Canada.

  9. Jennifer, you make me jealous. We wre workign on our “Sardinian” life now… Thank you for following 4feet2mouths over the last year. We appreciate you as a reader.

  10. Hi Jennifer! I’ve nominated your blog for the “Super Sweet Blogger Award.” Please visit my post to view the rules and responsibilities for accepting. Keep up the great work Jen! Congrats!

  11. I’ve come across your blog thanks to Pecora Nera. In my whole 55 years of life, I’ve been out of my country twice: overnight in Canada and 3 weeks in Ecuador. That’s it. I depend on people like you and Pecora and Linda (in Latvia) to give me a taste of other countries that I most likely won’t ever visit (well, no plans as yet, but you never know ;)) I am enjoying your blog and will follow from hereon 🙂

  12. Excited to have found you as a resource for Sardinian information. Sardinia has always been high on my list of places to explore. I will be contacting you when I get that trip on the books. Looking forward to delving into you previous posts and learning more about life in Sardinia. So great that you are living there. Cheers, Lexi

    • Caio Lexi,

      And welcome aboard! I’ve a lot of articles written on Sardinia and I hope they can help you out. Let me know if you need any information about this lovely island! 🙂

  13. Oh, okay then. I’ll be happy to hear your favorites, then. You know, in Greece too are a bit hush-hush. Most (aged) women believe that everyone knows how to cook…everything, so it’s a shame for me who always bothers people for instructions. What can you do? Cheers.

  14. Hello Sardinian. I just came across your blog and I love it. It’s great.Since you come from one of my favorite gastronomic places,could I bother you to send me a traditional Sardinian food recipe? I’d be delighted to post you in my blog. Take care.

    • Ciao fruitandcake,

      I’m sorry, but I’m a Canadian living in Sardinia and I haven’t any traditional Sardinian recipes to share with you. They are kept pretty hush-hush around here. Should I come across a good one I’ll let you know. Thanks for stopping by.

  15. Congratulations, I´ve nominated you for the “Family of Bloggers Award”, to see what is involved check out my blog. If you choose not to accept the award I will not be offended, I just wanted to show how much I enjoy reading your blog and also to say thank you for your support and encouragement! Have a great day,G 🙂

    • Ciao G,

      And thank you for coming to mine and reading and commenting. I will be back to discover more on Chasing Butterflies when time permits. We have house guests for the next week leaving me little time to play and read blogs. But I’ll be back! 🙂

  16. Hai Jenny,i love the way you write your experience through this blog.I like your blog. It’s nice.. i could say, very nice.. 🙂 You are Canadian but made a decision to living aboard far away from your home-country and you choose Itally to be your 2nd home-country. it must be super great experience for you.. right!! I am happy to found you throug blog walking.. your blog should be encourage me to write and explain good in to my blog. Looking forward to read your future post…
    Tantri.. Indonesia

  17. This is a perfect banner photo for you blog :). I am glad you have discovered the secret!!! Have fun! I’ll be back 🙂

  18. Ok, I have just found your blog but I can already tell I will like it!! Love the additions of Aboot 😀 and of course Ajò to pay homage to both your home country and your current home… I had no idea there were expat bloggers in my home island of Sardinia, now I will have more than my parents to keep me up-to-date on what’s going on on “my” gorgeous island 🙂

  19. Hi Jennifer! Just wanted to stop by and say thanks so much for liking our recent post on bungy jumping in Japan. Much appreciated! Looking forward to finding out more about your Sardinian life! 🙂

    • Ciao Jessica,

      Anyone who has the courage to bungee jump is alright in my books. I actually chickened out on my jump in Australia in 1997. I got all the way to the top, all strapped in … I looked down and said I can’t do it, just can’t! I was slightly embarrassed! 🙂

  20. A lady from Canada living in Sardegna…very interesting!! Thanks again for stopping by my blop so I could find you. I’ll definitely be your follower as I love to hear about places yet unknown, especially where I have my roots :D. I just start checking out your blog and already love it! Keep up the great work!!

  21. now that I have started my very first blog I just love reading what others have to say…love reading your experiences and hopefully in the future people will be able to say that my blog has helped them in some small way!

    • That’s one of the reasons I continue to blog, I love reading what others are saying. I draw inspiration from the blogs I read faithfully. Thanks for stopping by.

  22. Hey Jenny.. You ARE a fantastic writer.. From home in Canada, I’m so proud you are my cousin… What a great site! Congratulations. I hope to visit you one day!

  23. A Canadian woman in Sardinia! Well done! And now I am worried that the world thinks you say “aboot” because they heard me and did not realize I was French Canadian!
    BTW, love your blog 😉

  24. I’m not Canadian – although I might seek political asylum there if a Republican is elected president of the US in November 2012. Seriously, most of you say “oot” and “aboot” from my personsal experience. When traveling, I never assume someone is American until I hear them pronounce either of those words. If I hear “oot”or “aboot”, I guess Canadian and so far I’ve always been right. Don’t worry aboot it. It’s charming.

    • Thank you for your comments. It’s not something that I’m worried about. Like all regional accents there is diversity. The accents in the south of Italy are not the came in the North. Accents in Eastern Canada are by far, different than those in British Columbia. Not all Canadians pronounce ‘about’, in that sense. Maybe those outside Ontario are the culprits in spreading the oot’s & aboot’s around.

  25. Hi Jennifer, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment because it led me to you!
    Your blog looks very interesting and funny and I’m interested as to why you chose Italy to settle down in. I’ve traveled a lot over the years (British born but live in Australia) – having also lived in Germany, Singapore and the US, so your blog interests me very much. And I love Italy!

  26. Hello Canadian woman, i don´t really know how i ended up reading your blog, but anything Canadian is reason enough to explore. Looking forward to your future posts.

  27. A duh, I should have known just from reading ‘aboot’ that you are Canadian, lol. It did catch my attention though. I just can’t remember what I thought about it. And yeah, I have no idea why people think we say ‘aboot’. I’ve had people tell me I say it, but they were crazy Americans (;)) I think…..

    I say eh! all the time. I love it. I’m proud to say it. ^_^

  28. Best of luck. How long will you be in Italy..forever?

    Make the most of it! We were in Europe last summer during IFA playoffs….yea, Europeans are nuts about the game.

    Just like Canadians are nuts about hockey, eh? 🙂

  29. Ciao Sparky

    Oh, so I’ve just left a comment on your blog regarding my poetry. It’s still there, but my categories are not listed in the header banner. If you click on the tabbed widget near the top, the green folder my categories will open and you will see my poetry.

  30. Hey! Jen…luv the fresh new look…but sadly missing the poetry link…that was my fav part -The dark & light poetry.Cud u reinclude it?

  31. Where in Canada are you from? I’m an American living in Prince Edward Island. My grandparents all came from Sicilia, the other beautiful island in the middle of the Mediterranean. I’ve visited there three times, and would love to see Sardegna, too.

    You have a wonderful blog!

  32. You are living my Canadian dream. After visitnig Italy I tried to get a job out there after University. I loved it so so so much. Alas that was a no go. Thank you for stopping by my blog as it led me to yours

  33. Thanks for popping into my blog! I’m looking forward to stopping by yours now too…I love reading about other people’s travels!!

  34. Hey,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I can’t wait to read more of yours. Glad to find another person obsessed with celeb gossip, now I don’t feel alone lol.
    Later ;0)

  35. Hi. Great blog you have here. 🙂
    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting.
    I’d love to keep reading more. Do keep writing.

  36. “The dirty mess of melting snow, too far below zero to care” I love that line, that’s the one that really jumped off the screen. Beautiful.

  37. I love your blog! So poetic. I especially loved your poem to your Mom. It brought tears to my eyes as mine is no longer with us. I’ve already subscribed and can’t wait for more.

  38. L’Avventura (I just love this),
    So…I am really excited to visit your blog. How cool is that to visit Italy from a Canadian’s thoughts and point of view and a budding author to boot! I hiked last summer with a couple Canadians, but no Italians. I look forward to traveling with you.

  39. Looks great Jenny!!! Don’t have time to do much lurking: If Rob catches me on here instead of packing for EVL he’ll have a conniption. Love ya – can’t wait to read more!

  40. Hi Canadian woman living in Italy — felt like I should read some of your stuff since I see that you enjoy mine. Loved the snippet of the novella, I think any woman worth her salt has endured a job waiting tables while pursuing a dream, or waiting to figure out what dream she wants to pursue.

    Also enjoyed your verse to your mom, mine has gone to heaven now and I miss her so.

    Look forward to reading more.


  41. I’m happy that i decided to have my own blog…and now i understand why, reading people’s thoughts, or looking at the puzzles of their lives, and i feel free to share mine too……….!
    ti auguro una vita piena d’aventure………..!

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