Picking up the pieces after Cyclone Cleopatra – Sardinia, Italy

Sardinia is still in shock from the deadly storm Cyclone Cleopatra which devastated the island on November 18th, 2013. Entire communities are gone, livelihoods which took decades to build are destroyed, entire road systems and bridges washed away in the raging tide.

Six months of rain slashed Sardinia in less than twenty-four hours, 400 millimeters of rain washed away lives, hopes and dreams.

sardiniaA national day of mourning as been declared in Italy as residents come to grips in what has become one of the largest natural disasters to ever hit the Mediterranean island of Sardinia.

Islanders from all over Sardinia have come together to help those in need. Drop off centers for donating goods have sprouted up in every town across the island.

Here’s how you can help rebuild the lives for the people of Sardinia. The following links are in Italian – if you need help translating or have any questions then please leave your comment below.

Helpful links:

Comune = Town Hall or City Hall

To make a monetary donation please follow the banking details from the Comune di Olbia:

Account: n. 0540 – 070361388
IBAN: IT72U 01015 84980 000070361388
Reference: Comune di Olbia Emergenza Alluvione

Alluvione = Flood

Sardinia needs your help.

8 thoughts on “Picking up the pieces after Cyclone Cleopatra – Sardinia, Italy

  1. Pingback: Our Hearts are with You, Sardegna. - Italian Wine Geek

  2. Pingback: Fav Reads on Italy this week: Nov 22 - BrowsingItaly

  3. Pingback: Our Hearts are with You, Sardegna. | Italian Wine Geek

  4. Sitting in the office almost in tears. So very, very sad. It will take time to recover but I know that the sun will shine again on this beautiful island. My thoughts are with you and everyone affected by this, especially those who have lost loved ones.

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