Cyclone Cleopatra Crushes Sardinia Killing 16

Cyclone Cleopatra Crushes Sardinia. Sardinia is in a state of emergency and needs your help!

The death toll from yesterday’s devastating cyclone Cleopatra is 16. Today the entire island is in chaos and tears. The Gallura was the hardest hit by gale force winds and extreme rain. Olbia is in an extreme state of emergency with the majority of the town submerged under water. The coastal town of Torpe has been fully evacuated by the mayor.

A lot of people are contacting me asking if I’m okay and I appreciate the outpouring of kindness and support. My area was not affected by the storm like it was in other parts of the island. We did see torrential rain for a solid twelve hours, lightning so sharp and bright, and thunder that made the walls shake.

I want to help those affected, and I need to physically help those affected by this natural disaster. The best I can do is write about this deadly storm so the world can be aware. Many people have contacted me stating they haven’t even heard about Cyclone Cleopatra in the news – please help to spread this devastating news with the world by sharing this post with your family and friends, on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. At this time it’s very important the world knows. Sardinia needs your help. Today Sardinia cries loud tears of loss and pain.

From Facebook:

-urgente servono gommoni e mezzi pesanti a Berchidda 3346837575
– servono aiuti in via Iglesiente a Olbia, é urgente
– zona di Olbia il 115 è in tilt. Numeri alternativi: 0789/69502, 0789/52020 e 366/6617681.
– sala medica allestita nel municipio di Olbia in quanto l’ospedale è difficile da raggiungere
– statale 131 altezza Bauladu strada è allagata e l’acqua supera il metro di altezza
– ponte crollato statale 129 tra Nuoro e Orosei
– confermata evacuazione Terralba
– a Torpè ci sono persone arrampicate sugli alberi
– la diga di Torpè a rischio collasso: evacuato il paese
– emergenze comune Uras 348/7074692, 347/1240911
– la Farmacia Lupacciolu, in via Genova ad Olbia è aperta per le emergenze

Olbia residents are offering up accommodation for those in need:

Ad Olbia offrono alloggio

– Marrante: 3403624311
– Pina Murru: 3470830042
– B&B, 10 posti letto gratis, via Dannunzio 92. Tel. 331 2095889
– B&B offre alloggi gratis 3939800313
– Sabrina Di Giusto ha 4 posti letto, murta maria 328.3323210
– Massimo Dessena offro la mia casa con 5/7 posti letto 3939051855
– Etabeta Fancello: Posso ospitare tre persone, tel.3426904741
– Monica Cretì: 3465075162
– Renato Schirru (Il Laghetto) 349280052

A Facebook message from an expat in Olbia tells the real pain the residents are going through.


A few  Tweets

Today Sardinia weeps.


There are a few organizations working on a renewal and relief fund, the moment I know of how you can help I will post it here.

How to donate:

The City Council of Olbia has set up a bank account dedicated to raising funds to provide practical help to the territory and the people affected by the terrible wave of bad weather.

Vista la calamità che si è abbattuta sul territorio del Comune Olbia, l’Amministrazione comunale ha attivato un conto corrente bancario dedicato alla raccolta di fondi per garantire un aiuto concreto al territorio ed alla popolazione colpita dalla terribile ondata di maltempo.

Coordinate per i versamenti:

Bank details:

Conto Corrente n. 0540 – 070361388

IBAN IT72U 01015 84980 000070361388

BIC (codice swift) BPMOIT22XXX

Causale: Comune di Olbia Emergenza Alluvione

Il Sindaco On. Giovanni Maria Enrico Giovannelli

Thank you.

My thoughts and prayers are with the friends and families of the victims.

Please share this message.

35 thoughts on “Cyclone Cleopatra Crushes Sardinia Killing 16

  1. Pingback: A poem for Sardinia | My Sardinian Life

  2. So sorry, Jen. This had passed me by, though I’m sure it must have been featured on our news. What a nightmare this Winter is proving to be for so many- and it hasn’t even started!

  3. So glad you’re ok, but saddened about the island’s terror from the storm. The US Midwest where I live here was hit by multiple tornadoes in a freak weather system too, where I rode out the storm in my basement. Take care. Will share on FB & Twitter.

  4. What a terrible tragedy. I am so glad you are ok but sad to hear of the post lives and damage. Take care and help others the best you can. Thinking of you and your people.

  5. I don’t remember hearing about this on the radio (I don’t read newspapers). What an awful thing to happen. The weather’s definitely going off the deep end at the moment. I hope those who have survived will find a way through this and that the Island will soon be healed.

  6. This is awful! We had one here a few weeks ago and it destroyed property all over the area. We still have no power at Casa Debbio and a large part of the road has been washed away. I hope the authorities can help people get back to normal soon.

  7. This affected the north of the island mostly, as those of us in central and south were lucky to have had just some rain and lightening. Uras I believe was the closest to us…we grieve for those who have had a loss of life or property and hope agencies respond quickly.

  8. Wow! Typhoon in the Pacific, Cyclone in the Med and yesterday were some devastating tornadoes in the central US….

    I am not sure how much is crazy weather, instant communications to inform people or both. My prayers and thoughts go to those in Sardinia!

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